ThinkTop® V20

Boost process productivity and secure product traceability with the Alfa Laval ThinkTop V20 valve indication unit. Reliable and cost-effective, it provides intuitive sensing of the hygienic valve status and position in real time. Easy to install on Alfa Laval valves with standard mushroom connections, the valve sensor is suitable for hygienic applications across the dairy, food, beverage, home and personal care, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and many other industries.

ThinkTop V20 valve sensor unit

Reliable, cost-effective, intelligent indication unit for the real-time status of hygienic valves

  • Highly accurate indication of hygienic valve positions within ± 1 mm
  • Aesthetic and hygienic design based on the ThinkTop V-series
  • Intuitive live setup for fast installation and digital, AS-I or IO-Link interfaces
  • Compatible with Alfa Laval hygienic valves with standard mushroom connections, making it easy to upgrade older valve indication units
  • 360° LED visual status indication, visible from all directions

Enjoy more cost-effective, intelligent valve indication with the Alfa Laval ThinkTop V20. With a no-touch sensor system and standard functionality, the ThinkTop V20 valve sensor provides reliable, intuitive sensing of hygienic valves. Get real-time information while saving historical data for traceability.

The ThinkTop V20 valve indication unit has the same look, setup, and ease of installation as the proven ThinkTop V-series. With its IP69K rating for high protection against the ingress of dust and high-temperature, high-pressure water, the ThinkTop V20 is an excellent valve sensor choice for indoor and outdoor use. Its durable, fully encapsulated housing protects the unit. 

Replacing or hot swapping the valve top is easy and boosts productivity without disrupting production. No expertise, training, adapters, or special tools are required.


The ThinkTop V20 is compatible with all Alfa Laval hygienic valves, eliminating the need to readjust the sensors and thereby boosting productivity

ThinkTop V20 on valves

Kako deluje

The ThinkTop V20 is an intuitive valve indication unit. It transmits the status and condition of the valve position to any programmable logic controller (PLC) system using electrical feedback signals, such as digital, AS-Interface or IO-Link.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the unit provide a 360° visual indication of the valve status, visible from any direction, displaying the current main valve position and any local faults.

The valve sensor system accurately detects valve stem movement and the valve position at any given moment, using microchip sensors with an accuracy of ±1mm. Sensor chips on the sensor board calculate the angle between the axial magnetic field produced by a sensor target mounted on the valve stem to signal the current valve position. The ThinkTop V20 valve sensor is compatible with all Alfa Laval hygienic valves, eliminating the need to readjust the sensors and thereby boosting productivity.

Mogoče bi vas zanimalo tudi...


ThinkTop je zasnovan za uporabo v mlečni industriji, industriji hrane in pijač ter biofarmacevtski industriji ter zagotavlja informacije o stanju delovanja ventila v realnem času, 24 ur na dan in 7 dni v tednu, hkrati pa pomaga izboljšati proizvodno zmogljivost in zagotavlja sledljivost.

ThinkTop valve control unit V50 and V70

Unique Control LKB

Enhance flow control through your hygienic processing lines with the Alfa Laval Unique Control LKB, a maintenance-free actuator with an integrated control unit for LKB butterfly valves.

unique control right side 640x360

Katalog »na dosegu roke« o avtomatizaciji

Na dosegu roke: Rešitve Alfa Laval za avtomatizacijo higienske opreme za ravnanje s tekočinami. V našem katalogu »Na dosegu roke« so podrobno opisani nadzorni sistemi za neprekinjen nadzor črpalk, ventilov, opreme za čiščenje rezervoarjev in drugih sestavnih delov procesnega sistema. Tako boste zagotovili večjo varnost, daljši čas neprekinjenega obratovanja, manjše stroške in večjo produktivnost.

Alfa Laval ThinkTop sensing and control

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