HBPX series

The Alfa Laval HBPX disc stack separators for animal blood are specifically designed and optimized to separate animal whole blood into two fractions. These robust and high performing systems are especially designed for extremely demanding separation duties in order to meet the tough requirements of the food industry and exceptionally high hygienic standards.

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Premium separation efficiency for high plasma recovery and optimal quality from animal blood

  • High plasma yield
  • Excellent separation efficiency for high quality and optimal animal blood plasma colour
  • Gentle treatment of the product due to Hermetic design
  • Wear resistant
  • Robust and reliable design

Due to the Hermetic design, the disc stack separator system can treat the medium gently which prevents haemolysis thus improving the plasma colour. This will result in higher separation efficiency and crucially preserve the sensitive blood cells which will lead to higher product quality. 



HBPX Series

 HBPX 11000

 Indicative processing capacity for cold animal blood approx. 12000 lt/h



BPM 209

Indicative processing capacity for cold animal blood approx. 125lt/h 

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HBPX 6000

Indicative processing capacity for cold animal blood approx. 7000 lt/h



 HBPX 2000

 Indicative processing capacity for cold animal blood approx. 2000 lt/h 

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Plug-and-play with complete associated system

The advanced technology of the HBPX series goes far beyond the centrifuge itself. To make sure you get the best performance, Alfa Laval can deliver the entire system scope, complete with everything you need to ensure reliable and efficient separation. This includes automation solutions as well as all piping, valves and other relevant process components.

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Preizkusite, potrdite in razširite svojo naslednjo rešitev za ločevanje

Ne glede na to, ali nadgrajujete svojo proizvodno linijo ali izvajate poskusni projekt – Alfa Laval vam vedno pomaga izbrati pravo rešitev za ločevanje. Preprosto stopite v stik z nami in se dogovorite za posvetovanje in preizkus v enem od naših testnih centrov ali za najem enote za testiranje na lokaciji.

Testing separation solutions



Explore our innovations

Would you like to know more about our innovations in separation technology? Click on the link below. Alfa Laval invented the first disc stack separator and has led the way in the development of centrifuge technology for over a century. We are glad to share with you the expertise we have gained along the way. Visit our Separator Innovator knowledge base to learn more about advancements in separation and the steps Alfa Laval is taking to continue revolutionizing the technology.

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How it works

Separation technologies are essential to a broad range of industries — from food, beverage and pharma to marine and energy through to water and waste treatment. Various technologies are used for separating liquid from liquid and solids from liquids with the aim of producing cleaner substances, valuable by-products and less volume of waste to dispose.

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Take advantage of Alfa Laval features

All Alfa Laval separators are developed with the benefit of more than 130 years of experience with disc stack separation technology and our deep knowledge of customer processes. Find out how all that expertise has gone into unique features for improved separation performance.

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Zagotavljanje večje učinkovitosti delovanja vaše opreme

Naše namensko globalno storitveno omrežje vam zagotavlja podporo z deli in strokovnim znanjem, kjer koli in kadar koli to potrebujete. Z zagotavljanjem daljšega časa neprekinjenega delovanja, razpoložljivosti in optimizacije vam pomagamo doseči duševni mir in največjo mogočo donosnost naložbe. Sodelujemo lahko z vami in naše storitve vključimo v Sporazum o opravljanju storitev Alfa Laval za predvidljivo in brezskrbno delovanje. 

Preberite več o naši ponudbi storitve 

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How can we help you?S povpraševanji ali vprašanji se lahko kadar koli obrnete na našo lokalno pisarno. 

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